man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

Bekerja Secara Profesional untuk hasil yang Berkualitas

Mitra terpercaya untuk proyek pemerintah, BUMN dan Swasta.

Layanan Konstruksi

Kami siap mengerjakan pekerjaan konstruksi gedung, pembangunan jalan dan juga pengairan

Siap melayani dan bekerja sama dalam pengadaan Barang dan Jasa

Siap melayani pemesanan pembuatan Seragam Kerja


Tentang Kami Zahran Alta Prima

Kami adalah Perusahaan kontraktor dan supplier yang siap bekerja sama dengan pemerintah, BUMN dan Perusahaan Swasta, mengedepankan kualitas dan profesionalisme dalam setiap proyek.

empty hallway between concrete buildings during daytime
empty hallway between concrete buildings during daytime
Kualitas terbaik dalam setiap proyek kami.

Pelanggan Kami


Layanan Kami

Kami siap bekerja sama dalam pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Secara profesional

A chain-link fence with two signs attached stands along a sidewalk. The left sign features a red circular logo with text indicating a construction safety team. The right sign displays the name and information of a general contractor. Behind the fence, there is a grassy area with bushes and trees, and an industrial area with buildings in the background under a clear blue sky.
A chain-link fence with two signs attached stands along a sidewalk. The left sign features a red circular logo with text indicating a construction safety team. The right sign displays the name and information of a general contractor. Behind the fence, there is a grassy area with bushes and trees, and an industrial area with buildings in the background under a clear blue sky.

Menyediakan layanan kontraktor dengan profesionalisme dan kualitas terbaik sesuai kontrak.

Penyedia Suplai

Menawarkan berbagai produk suplai untuk proyek pemerintah dan swasta dengan kualitas terjamin.

Jasa Konstruksi

Bersedia bekerja sama dengan pemerintah dan perusahaan untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.

Proyek Terkini

Kami mengutamakan kualitas dalam setiap proyek yang kami jalankan.

A construction site scene with a worker handling a large yellow concrete funnel suspended by a chain. Several stacks of precast concrete slabs are visible in the background. The ground is covered with construction materials and equipment.
A construction site scene with a worker handling a large yellow concrete funnel suspended by a chain. Several stacks of precast concrete slabs are visible in the background. The ground is covered with construction materials and equipment.
Kualitas Terbaik

Setiap proyek ditangani dengan profesionalisme dan sesuai kontrak yang disepakati, memastikan kepuasan klien dan hasil yang maksimal dalam setiap tahap pekerjaan.

A white tanker truck featuring the logo 'UCL United Construction & Landscape' is parked on a dirt surface. The truck has large wheels and is positioned side-on, with shadows visible beneath it. In the background, there are trees and a large yellow container.
A white tanker truck featuring the logo 'UCL United Construction & Landscape' is parked on a dirt surface. The truck has large wheels and is positioned side-on, with shadows visible beneath it. In the background, there are trees and a large yellow container.
Kerja Sama

Kami berkomitmen untuk menjalin kerja sama yang kuat dengan pemerintah dan perusahaan BUMN, memberikan solusi konstruksi yang handal dan mengutamakan integritas dalam setiap kerjasama.

Pelayanan profesional dan kualitas pekerjaan yang sangat memuaskan. Zahran Alta Prima adalah mitra terpercaya dalam proyek kami.

Budi Santoso

A construction site featuring a white Bobcat loader with red wheels unloading dirt into a black dump truck. In the foreground, there is a trench with visible pipes and several orange safety cones and bollards indicating a work zone. In the background, electrical power lines and a pylon are visible against a clear blue sky.
A construction site featuring a white Bobcat loader with red wheels unloading dirt into a black dump truck. In the foreground, there is a trench with visible pipes and several orange safety cones and bollards indicating a work zone. In the background, electrical power lines and a pylon are visible against a clear blue sky.
